Who is, or has been, the biggest influence on your art?
Tom Sloane, who taught art history at my university, and Mike deLesseps, who taught me a little about drawing.
Which of your works is your personal favorite and why?
I usually love the last one I did if it was exciting to paint.
Of all your travels, which city or place inspires you the most? Why?
The Sandhills of Nebraska and Point Reyes, California. Both have big skies and very graceful lines.
What is your creative process like?
I usually paint in the late afternoon and I start by mixing two colors in the middle of the canvas, and I work my way down from there. Then I turn the painting upside down to paint the top. The paint is always doing interesting things, and I try to follow it and watch what it does.
What is something quirky or unexpected about you that most people don’t know?
I read a lot of comics when I was a kid. Now I read the New Yorker cartoons.
How has your practice changed over time?
I think I've developed some new techniques and these have given me new tools for exploring painting.